In just a few hours, the boys will have the thrill of witnessing one of the wonders of the world. How fitting! In its own way, KSB is a wonder too. These 46 boys, with their singing, have moved and touched and entertained and inspired and charmed countless Australians and New Zealanders in the last two and a half weeks. In 13 years, I cannot ever remember the KSB Trebles sounding, performing (and behaving) with so much musicality, poise, polish, and professionalism. Your sons so deserve to take in something as special as they are.
In advance of this excursion, some Great Barrier Reef thank you's. Ethan Walter's parents Beth and Kevin are the main sponsors of this outing. With their incredible generosity, we were able to upgrade to one the most highly-regarded companies in Cairns (there are hundreds and as is always the case - you get what you pay for!). This upgrade will ensure an incredible, top-notch, safe day that the boys will remember for a lifetime.
Another significant sponsor of this trip out to the Reef - and to whom we are most grateful for making this upgrade possible - is Zach Crenshaw's parents Bryan and Tara.
Another significant sponsor of this trip out to the Reef - and to whom we are most grateful for making this upgrade possible - is Zach Crenshaw's parents Bryan and Tara.
Derik Boghosian's parents Kari and Hamo, Ben Van Meter's parents Anne and Leonard, and Lowell Hoyt's parents Beth and Bill also made donations to help make this outing possible.
Thinking back to our day at Hobbiton for a moment, we were able to add onto the itinerary an amazing Maori experience in the village of Rotorua thanks to Oliver Snook's parents Alison and Patrick. Seeing the faces of Maori tribesmen light up when our boys shared THEIR culture was a moment not to be forgotten.
I also want to take the time to give a shout out to other families who made tour donations and have not been mentioned on our blog. This additional income made a real difference in our ability to enhance the boys' experience day in and day out. They are:
The Weinstein Family (Noah)
Mindy Lemoine (Andrew Postmontier)
The Clancy Family (Nathan)
The Bivins Family (Jaleel)
Linda Samost (CY Board Chair)
And then a shout out to those who, over this past season, made donations to the KSB Tour Scholarship fund. Without their help, some of our very deserving boys would have never had this life-changing experience
Eve and Jack Bogle
Beth and Bill Piszek
Deb and Carl Erdman
Martha Platt & Marlis Kraft
Julie and Tom Wamser
Carol O'Donahue and Will Anninger
I also know there are families who contributed an extra $75 to help cover some of our boys in the effort to get to Hobbiton. Along with the family sponsorships, these donations made all the difference.
If I somehow missed a shout out to you, I plead forgiveness and mercy. Tour is an incredibly taxing, exhausting endeavor and perhaps donations have been made of which I am not yet aware. Or I was at one point, but the brain has turned to mush courtesy of tour. Once we're all back home and had some sleep we'll be sure to shower more thanks on all who deserve it.
I want to reiterate that I fully appreciate the fact that not all families were in a position to sponsor and donate to the tour effort. Budgeting the resources to send your son on this tour was no small feat for any family, and that alone was enough. Your sacrifices as parents and as a family to make this possible for your singer is greatly appreciated. For those who were able to stretch a little more - or a lot more - profound thanks.
The unfailing generosity of our KSB parents is indeed a WONDER.
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